Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Application Part 9: Pressing the Text upon the Heart

Today we come to the end of our series on application. In case you missed any of the posts, here are the links:

Part 1 – A Theological Framework

Part 2 – We Resemble What We Worship

Part 3 – Fallen Condition

Part 4 – Gospel Solution

Part 5 – Making the Fallen Condition Personal

Part 6 – The Four Aspects of Application

Part 7 – The Levels of Application

Part 8 – The Three Orders of Application


Of course, a fundamental premise throughout this series is the crucial role of repentance and faith. When God reveals to us our fallen condition it is imperative for us to turn from it and embrace by faith the solution that the gospel offers.


To wrap things up, I wanted to try to synthesize the most helpful things from this series of posts. What follows is a list of questions that I try to ask every time I read Scripture. There are five main questions, but I have included sub-questions under each that give the bigger picture of what I am trying to get at with each question.

  1. What do we learn about God?

    • What aspects of God's character do we see in this passage?
    • What do we see God doing in this passage?
    • What things, events, people, and situations is God concerned about?

    1. What do we learn about man/mankind?

      • What aspects of the image of God (longings, desires, interests, values) are reflected in this passage?
      • What fallen conditions (desires, attitudes, actions, beliefs, etc.) are stated, described or implied in this passage?
      • What struggles, challenges, temptations, and realities to walking with God are stated, described or implied in this passage?
      1. What do we learn about redemption?

        • What does this passage reveal about the nature of our salvation?
        • What is the "gospel solution" to the "fallen condition" that this passage states, describes or implies?
        • In what specific ways has Jesus obeyed in the areas where you have failed?

        1. What do we learn about ministry?

          • What does this passage teach us about the nature of ministry (its joys, its pains, its challenges, its rewards, etc.)?
          • What does this passage teach about the way I should lead/care for God's people?
          • What does this passage teach about the way God's people respond to leaders?

          1. How should I apply this text to my life?

            • What does this passage indicate that I should know, think or understand?
            • What does this passage indicate that I should believe?
            • What does this passage indicate that I should feel?
            • What does this passage indicate I should do?

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